Continuity of Operations

Backups are important and serve a role. But their role is about recovering data from the past, not about Continuing to Operate in a timely fashion.

Ask yourself this:

  • “If we lost our server room (to theft, fire, flood), how long would we be down?” Is that an acceptable answer? For most it is not, and for most cost and complexity are the “only” things holding you back.


  • Sub 5 minute CoOp of any physical or virtual server on your LAN
  • Daily automated CoOp boot tests in a sandbox so the test booted servers do not interfere with your production systems. You will get visual confirmation of successful test boots of your protected systems
  • Ability to protect VMs, HyperV, Physical hosts alike.

Now imagine loosing the whole LAN and site, what then?

  • How many days to get new hardware, build base OS and restore system states, applications then data all from offsite tapes?
  • Whereas, our systems send replicated whole copies of your locally protected hosts to the cloud, where we can boot some or all of your protected hosts within 24 hours. That’s continuing to operat.

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